Sunday, September 13, 2009

As promised...

Here are some photos! As you know, learning in the Montessori classroom is very individualized. Every child is working and learning at his or her own pace. This allows each child to be focused on the skills s/he needs at a particular moment in time. There will be times that we focus on a theme as a class (For example, I am getting ready to put out a variety of materials that teach the children about apples on the science shelf--the parts of the apple, making an apple graph, etc.) but for the most part each child's path of learning is designed specifically for them. With that being said, here are some photos from the last week of school. If you don't see a photo of your child, you will in the future--I promise :) (unless you did not give me permission on our "permission to photograph" form that went home at the beginning of the school year). Even if the photo is not of your child, this will give you an idea of the types of work taking place in our classroom environment. Enjoy!
Expressing ideas through watercolor painting
Working on addition with the Stamp Game

Leaf washing: Building concentration through Practical Life activities

Phonogram work: Spelling "ee" words

Beginning work with the Teen Board

Building sets of objects with the Spindle Box

Isolating each sound in a word using the Segmentation work

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