Monday, October 11, 2010

Way up high in the apple tree

Now that fall has arrived (if only the weather would take notice!), we've started learning about some of the changes we see around us in nature. We've also begun talking about apples! Here are a few of the apple works you will find on our science shelf right now.
Apple dot-to-dotParts of an apple Making apple patterns
Coloring an apple book (If your child brings one of these home, encourage him/her to read it to you. If s/he is not "reading" yet, have him/her point to the words as you read them.)
Making an apple collage Our apple graph: We tasted a yellow apple, red apple & a green apple to see which kind we each like best. Here's our graph!
Besides our fall studies, our younger students have also been working on some other skills which are part of Metro's standards. One of those is skills is sorting objects/pictures by size. Another one is sorting by color & shape--this work allows the children to practice both concepts.

I look forward to seeing some of you at our Curriculum Night this Thursday. Enjoy your Fall Break!!!!

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