Saturday, October 9, 2010

Work, work, work!

You may have noticed that if you ask your child what he played with at school today, he may look at you with a puzzled look. That is because in the Montessori classroom, we refer to our "play" as the children's work. We want to honor their learning & experiences by refering to it with a word that connotes importance. These children are working. All day long they are working to make sense of the world around them, to learn new skills & to make connections to previous knowledge. They are learning to both become a productive, contributing member of a community as well as to become a strong, independent individual. Refering to the work they do all day as anything less would be a disservice to our students. So, the next time you pick up your child, ask them, "What WORK did you do today?" You just may get a very different response!

And speaking of are some photos of the fabulous work taking place in the classroom lately:

Composing stories with the Movable AlphabetSorting obects by initial soundsLessons with the Golden Bead MaterialMore Golden Bead work Working with our class photo two-part cards (matching each child's photo with their name)Working on the Hundred Board Making an apple collageDoing Dot-to-Dot Apple workSpelling words with the Movable AlphabetWorking with shaving cream at the easel Exploring early algebra with the Binomial Cube Skip counting the beads on the Hundred Chain

Free Art Exploring patterns with necklace making
Cleaning up after a spill
More stories with the Movable Alphabet
Sorting objects by size
Watercolor painting & writing your name
Work with the spelling box
Spelling words with the Movable Alphabet
Sorting objects by initial sound
More Movable Alphabet work
Sorting objects by color
Learning about the animals of North America
Hundred Board work
Phonemic awareness activities with the sound bags
Work with the Discriminatio of Grains (a sensory sorting work)
Phonogram work (spelling "ee" words)
Golden Bead Fetching


  1. I love the pictures and the kids are learning and they are having fun! I wish I had stuff like that when I was in school lol... Keep up the good work!!! :)
